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Brand USA conducts educational seminars in Ludhiana and Kolkata

Brand USA recently concluded two educational seminars in Ludhiana and Kolkata. Brand USA in an ongoing endeavour to educate and update Indian travel agents on the destination USA organised the seminars. With the aim of maintaining a positive and ongoing relationship with the travel trade, these seminars were conducted to provide in-depth information on tourism products and attractions from the United States. Brand USA also encouraged travel agents to become USA specialists by enrolling into the recently launched online training program, “USA Discovery Programme”. The online programme presents detailed information about destinations, attractions and experiences in the United States through a series of training modules. An impressive 160 travel agents participated in these seminars.

Brand USA partners who participated in the educational seminars were; Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism, Philadelphia Convention and Visitors Bureau, Visit California, NYC & Company, Travel Oregon

In addition, Elizabeth Schwefler, visa chief, The Embassy of The United States of America, New Delhi and Wendy Kennedy, chief- consular section from The US Consulate Kolkata were also present to update on US visa procedures.