Let’s travel together.

Future Next

Zaheer Ellias Najeeb

My Success Mantra

Be nice to other people, they outnumber you six billion to one.

My Biggest Learning

I believe that one of my biggest strengths is my ability to learn. And one of my biggest learnings is that anything can be learned.

My First Milestone

One of my proudest moments was recording and releasing my album titled ‘Walk with Me’ in 2003. Having first picked up a guitar in 1998, I started recording during my college vacations in 2001. A more recent milestone has been a pet project of mine. I’ve always loved a good burger and last year, I started ‘1976’ as a personal project, with creative recipes and an inspiring space. The response it has been receiving has made it the best burger joint here.

My Inspiration in Life

Every tough decision I have to make, I always think of my parents. What would they do? What would they think? Ever since high school they have been my inspiration.

My Stress-buster

Every evening as I reach home, my one year old daughter’s face lights up, as she raises her arms, signaling me, while my five year old daughter pounces on me. It may sound cliched, but everything else seems irrelevant at that point. I also take time out for my creative outlets (music, photography, etc). They always give me a surge of positive energy.

My Favourite Management Book

One of the first management books that I have read was ‘Good To Great’ by Jim Collins. It is my all time favourite. I still refer it from time to time.

My Dream Destination

The moon. I just hope I am not too old to go by the time it becomes a tourist attraction.

USP of ATE Group

ATE has been very fortunate to have people who are committed to the organisation, who consider this as their family and who have stayed with us through thick and thin.

Vision for my Company

My vision for the organisation is to make it one of the best places to work, by being on top of the industry and fostering growth, creativity and innovation.

My Advice to Gen-Next

You don’t have to bring people to their knees, just to their senses.

Zaheer Ellias Najeeb, Executive Director, Airtravel Enterprises (ATE Group)

(As told to Rituparna Chatterjee)